Let Green Efficient Living brighten your world.
Let Green Efficient Living brighten your world.
Green Efficient Living electricians are all fully qualified and licensed and can offer you the best solutions for your needs.
Whether you are looking to upgrade your lighting in your home or office, install new lighting, or find out energy efficient ways to save power with your lighting, our electricians can help.
Call us today if you require any of the following:
- LED lighting
- Outdoor and/or sensor lighting
- Switches and dimmers
- Wall lights and strip lights
- Downlights, track lights and directional lights
- Kitchen lights
- Bathroom lights
- Bedroom lights
Lighting has a unique way of being able to transform a space and mood. It can be soft and tranquil to calm you down, or harsh and bright to wake you up. It can control your mood, your appetite, your productivity, and because of this, lights need to be carefully selected for the space and setting.
Lights have come a long way since your standard lamp or pendant and companies are continuously pushing the boundaries of what standard lighting can do. From the radiance of the globe, to the appearance of the light itself, there are many different options.
Green Efficient Living believes that there is always a more energy efficient way of powering your world, without the need to compromise quality. At Green Efficient Living, we have spent a long time understanding the roles that lighting plays in our every day lives, so if you’re in need of lighting within your home, make the GEL difference today.
Lighting has a unique way of being able to transform a space and mood. It can be soft and tranquil to calm you down, or harsh and bright to wake you up. It can control your mood, your appetite, your productivity and because of this, lights need to be carefully selected for the space and setting.
Lights have come a long way since your standard lamp or pendant and companies are continuously pushing the boundaries of what your standard lighting can do. From the radiance of the globe to the appearance of the light itself, there are many different options.
Green Efficient Living believes that there is always a more energy efficient way of powering your world, without the need to compromise quality. At Green Efficient Living, we have spent a long time understanding the roles that lighting plays in our every day lives, so if you’re in need of lighting within your home, make the GEL difference today.
All of their products are made with the best components and the purest materials, while adhering to the manufacturing practices that earned them the B-Corp Certification.
B-Corp certified companies are those that have been tested on their governance, transparency and environmental and social impact and have been identified as holding themselves to a higher level of accountability in this areas.
Brightgreen’s Tru-Colour technology increases the visual impact of interior colours and details by up to 30%.
The Tru-Colour LED’s excel in an event balanced spectrum, which means vivid colours, natural skin tones and defined detailing, all while still saving energy.
Brightgreen are passionate about pairing smarter design with sustainable technology and only use LED globes in all of their products.
They are committed to producing non-toxic, heavy metal-free products that emit light containing no UV rays. Their lights are 98% recyclable and are supported by their buy-back scheme. This means that when they eventually do expire, Brightgreen will buy them back for recycling.
Brightgreen products are designed, engineered and tested in their Melbourne headquarters.
As a company, Green Efficient Living are passionate about promoting products that are the result of Australian ingenuity.